Business Tax Return Preparation

Here’s What You Get with Brooklyn’s Top Professional Business Tax Preparers:

  • Your tax return will be checked by our extensive computer software.
  • Your tax return can be filed electronically so you will get a refund back quicker.
  • Our tax return preparation staff in NYC will show you how to adjust your payroll withholding to get more money back each week.
  • We will show you potential deductions to limit your tax liability for next year.

Are Your Books a Mess? Look No Further…

If you own a small business that struggles with your bookkeeping, don’t worry. We’ll prepare your bookkeeping for the year, prepare a full Schedule C, as well as your personal income tax return.
Then we’ll help you set up an easy system that allows you to keep your books in great shape for the following year.

Business Tax Saving Strategies

We recommend Business Tax Saving Strategies that help you grow and preserve assets while maintaining a clean and concise tax record.

  • Defer income so you can keep your money now and pay less taxes later.
  • Reduce taxes on your income so you keep more of what you make.
  • Reduce taxes on your investments so you can grow your wealth faster.
  • Reduce taxes on your retirement distributions so you can retire in style.
  • Shifting income or expenses from one year to another in order to have them fall where it will be taxed at a lower rate.
  • Deferring tax liabilities through certain investment choices such as pension plans, contributions and other similar plans.
  • Using certain investments to produce income that is tax exempt from either federal or state or both taxing entities.

Remember, we work for you. Many of our clients save many times the fee in reduced tax liability through careful planning and legitimate tax strategies with our tax preparation.